Frozen Foods
We are the profound and prominent industry in manufacturing the Dry Ice Machine which is used to store the frozen foods with the best room temperature. Freezing can be extended for a long time and can ensure the quality of foods using dry ice. Our Dry Ice Machine is the best choice for keeping perishable foods and other frozen foods safe and hygienic. The use of dry ice is very convenient, cost-effective, and environmental in preserving food products. This kind of dry ice product might reduce the temperature quickly and efficiently without any harm and harm. It might be used in storing, packaging, and distributing foods well-processed.
With Dry Ice you can:
- Reduce temperatures quickly and efficiently.
- Inhibit the growth of micro organisms.
- Preserve food in controlled atmosphere.
- Chill the whole product, or just part of it.
- Cost effective process.
- No harmless and no hazards.
- Increasing product self time.

Pre-cooling of Fruits & Vegetables using Dry Ice
Solid Carbon Dioxide (dry ice) is used in preservation of fruits & vegetables as it is easy-to-handle and cost effective.
Food freezing with Dry Ice
Following to rapid rise in energy cost in the last few years globally, the use of CO2 for freezing has become increasingly competitive with other expendable refrigerants which require a greater amount of power and high capital investment for their production.
When liquid CO2 is discharged into the atmosphere its physical properties dictate that it must instantaneously change to solid and gas, both at -109.20F.These are the only two forms of CO2 that can exist at atmospheric pressure and about 1kg. of liquid CO2 injected gives 0.5 Kg of CO2 snow which should absorb 228 BTU before it is completely converted into 1Kg.of gas at 109.20 F. Further in order to raise temperature of 1 Kg. Of gas at -109.20 F by 10 F, 0.4BTU has to be absorbed from the surrounding. Thus if the gas is rejected from the freezer at 00 F, it will have absorbed additional 43.6 BTU/1 Kg. of gas. So about 270 BTU can be removed to by 1 Kg. Of bulk liquid CO2, when gas is rejected at 00F, of which 84% is achieved by converting to gaseous CO2 at -109.20F.
All CO2 freezers work on the simple principal of injecting Liquid CO2 into the freezer through specially designed nozzles to ensure the rapid conversion of CO2 snow to CO2 gas. This action initially cools the freezer to operating temperature of, with circulation of cold gas by means of fans. During operation, as the temperature of the gas rises above the pre-set value, the thermostat operates, so activating the solenoid valve on the liquid CO2 & more liquid CO2 is injected with corresponding cooling.
Spiral freezers, Straight Tunnel freezers are available with capacities up-to 2 tons/hr. and for smaller scale Batch Freezers of capacity of about 150 Kg/hr. Liquid Dry Ice supply is maintained through the bulk storage tank installed at customer's premises.
In short,
Dry Ice gives you the flexible control over your needs.
Dry Ice's unique characteristics make it ideal as a food processing ingredient.
Dry Ice is easy to use and its manifold benefits can in many cases be achieved with the minimum of plant and equipment.
Its natural bacteriostatic properties and the ease with which it disappears from food completely and readily after its job is done has resulted in its widespread use by leading manufacturers of high quality foods. Wherever perishable foods are required in peak condition, Dry Ice can provide reliable solutions.
Whatever the application, whether simple or complex, the acknowledged experience of Carbacid acquired over many years of close association with the food and beverage industries and as the leading supplier of Dry Ice in the East Africa is available to all prospective clients.